06 October 2012 till 03 February 2013

Fabulous Fifties Fabulous Fashion

The fashions of the 1950s hold an enduring appeal and are today attracting more interest than ever. Go-ahead designers like Prada are currently looking to the ‘golden age of style’ for ideas, young people are wearing vintage 50s originals and the Mad Men TV series is inspiring many a retro fashion fest. The Fabulous Fifties – Fabulous Fashion exhibition at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag explores the background to this trend with a wide range of original 50s attire reflecting an era full of optimism and change.

The fashionable look of the time was one of sparkling gaiety. Chic and elegant Parisian haute couture existed side by side with the flamboyant rock-’n-roll clothing styles of the younger generation. These sharp contrasts will be apparent in the exhibition, which will include not only dazzling haute couture outfits by Dior, Balenciaga and Fath, fairytale dresses, wedding gowns, hats and tailored suits, but also teen-age rebel outfits, a denim jacket from the US, and nylon shirts of the period.